While Searching for An Updated Version of Artist Lowkey's Song Obama Nation, Perhaps Called O'Biden-Bama Nation 2021 or Something? I Instead Found the Recently Released Song McDonald Trump?

Joe Biden Declares Himself An "O'Biden-Bama Democrat ...

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made a memorable verbal slip up Saturday during a campaign event in Missouri. "We're going to unite this party and unite this country," Biden said. "And...

While Searching for An Updated Version of Artist Lowkey's Song Obama Nation, Perhaps Called O'Biden-Bama Nation 2021 or Something? I Instead Found the Recently Released Song McDonald Trump? 

Hmm. Why give resident Biden a pass and focus (disingenuously) on the last President? Plus the open borders lyrics are not aging well already. How hard is to understand that sovereign nations allow a place to run from any (likely via consolidation of power) tyranny that may result, from the admitted ongoing attempt at global governance and said nations require borders and laws for entry? Do you even freedom bro?

But I digress, the President before last is more relevant now than 45 is. The creep in chief was Obama's Veep after all and Obama the bomber is thought by many to be the shadow man behind the Trump Russia scam and the proxy in uncle Joe's empty suit to boot! 

On that note, bring that shit back one more time, Sam. 

Rush Limbaugh Producer 'Bo Snerdley' lookin' like Suge Knight about to bust a cap on TDS rappers for hatin' on his dead homie in this version of the song...

Thankfully, not everybody raps like ya'll TDS afflicted Dr. Seuss player haters and they are keeping it much less low-key.